Sunday 24 May 2015

Howard Arthur Ok... Had enough? Pit bulls have been bred this way for a reason! They are NOT a family pet that can be trusted. Makes me sick to hear about all these attacks! 2 month old baby dead?! April 20 at 11:41pm · Like ·

Another unsuspecting family mislead by the pit bull advocates who state pit bulls are nanny dogs, it is all how you raise them and they are no more dangerous than any other dog breed. This family thought they had a safe pit bull, that never showed aggression, now has to come to terms that their 8 year old pit bull raised around their other children too, killed their baby. If this family would of picked a safer pet like a beagle their baby would be alive today.…/infant-killed-in-pit-bull-attack…/ .
People's positive anecdotal experiences with pit bulls does not change the fact that pit bull type dogs are the number one canine killer of children, people, other people's beloved pets, and livestock of all other dog breeds combined and of all time. How do you think you can repair the pit bull imagine with all the killing they do? If all these dog owners would have picked a safer pet like a beagle instead of a pit bull many people, other people's pets and livestock would be alive today. What other type of dog has the ability to kill humans that would be mistaken for a pit bull type? These families know exactly what breed killed their loved one. You can read their individual tragedies here:… Most of us do not want to live next to a potentially dangerous pit bull, you are compromising the safety of our communities and other people's beloved pets.
Two words to prove pit bull type dogs are inherently dangerous, "BREAK STICK'.
Pit Bull Rescue Central recommends ALL pit guardians to have a "break stick", a wedge-shaped piece of wood used to pry open a pit bull’s jaw during an attack. RED FLAG! Does not sound like a safe family pet if you need a break stick on hand. "Since pit bulls have a strong fighting background, we recommend that pet owners also have a breaking stick as a precaution, even if they don't plan to use it in an illegal context. However, please be discreet. Breaking sticks are not something to brag about and the general public might have the wrong impression if you walk around with a stick in your hand. Breaking sticks are not illegal, but they are considered dog fighting paraphernalia in certain states and/or with certain law enforcement agents." This person demonstrates how to use a break stick on a pit-bull:
Pit-bull Rescue Central, the leading authority of pit bull types, admits MOST pit-bull types are not safe around other dogs because of their genetics. For that reason alone is why I do not consider them safe family pets for our neighborhoods. These are powerful animals that break away from their guardians all the time and maul & kill another beloved pet or person in front of a child or person. This is a typical pit attack on another beloved pet: Too many children & adults have watched their beloved pets be mauled to death by pit bulls. Many develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after watching a horrific pit attack:
According to Pit Bull Rescue Central, "It is a FACT that our pit bulls, AmStaffs and pit mixes come with a built-in fighting heritage.It doesn’t matter where we get them from, whether it be the pound, a stray we pick up, or a puppy we buy from a breeder. The majority of pit bulls will, at some point in their lives, exhibit some degree of dog-on-dog aggression. Yet, chances are that a "normal" pit bull will not share his affection with other animals.We cannot predict when or where it will happen and we can’t love, train or socialize it out of the dog. Pit bulls may not start fights, but they will finish them.""
It all starts with the ethical breeder willing to produce a dog with a stable inherited temperament. Domestic animals are selectively bred for certain traits, people are not. It is not possible to discriminate against dog breeds that are purposely bred for certain traits and characteristics. Dog breeding is the practice of mating selected dogs with the intent to maintain or produce specific qualities and characteristics. There are over 400 dog breeds and pit bull breeders are the only ones who are breeding for aggression, tenacity and power to create the ultimate canine gladiator. The reality is that it is not how you raise them, it is how they are bred. "Love" will not take away a pit bulls inherent drive to kill. They are supplying to dog fighters, drug dealers, gang members, people who want a guard dog or a dog that looks like a protection dog. Aggression is a dominant trait resulting in a 75% chance of inheritance. One needs to actively breed to eliminate it through selective breeding and deliberate attrition, things that back yard breeders never do. Another problem is the rampant inbreeding with pit bull that produces unsafe dog. Pit-bull type dogs are the number one dog surrendered to shelters, a million every year, mostly because of aggression issues. Then many are rehomed by irresponsible pit bull advocates back into our communities. Watch this clip of unethical backyard breeders: So basically people who have pits are playing Russian Roulette against our communities.
In depth look at pit bull breeders:
From Rescue Train &the guru of pit bulls who has a national TV show called Pitbull & Parolees, Tia Torres /Villalobos Rescue Center "It's a mistake to think the fighting gene can be easily trained or loved out of a pit-bull."
This issue has never been about which breeds bite the most.The issue with pit bulls is the degree of damage they inflict, and their attacks being more likely to result in fatality. Appellate courts across the United States have recognized the dangers of the pit bull breed for over 25-years. We've listed excerpts from court decisions that demonstrate this.…
Families need to be better educated how to pick a safe family pet. Many are being mislead by the pit-bull lobby claiming they are safe family dogs. POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG BREEDS This is a list of dog breeds that have a history of being potentially dangerous to people, especially children. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness understands that any dog has the ability to bite or inflict serious harm to humans. This list consists of several dog breeds that have a higher than average number of recorded human fatalities. Please use extreme caution if you choose to bring one of these breeds into your home.
A pit bull attack left a 2-month-old boy dead and his mother wounded in Dallas Sunday.
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