Sunday 24 May 2015

Teresa McGee 6 mins · You know what?

You know what? Through all the drama ~ the attacks that I've had the right to defend ~ I've done so and never unfriended or blocked anyone. I have tried to state "we can agree to disagree". Right? "Be adult?" Well ~ that takes two adults and I've yet to encounter that ~ usually it's big egos that you must agree with or you get unfriended.
I have never publicly attacked anyone - I have only defended myself when I'm attacked - which we all have that right. I encourage everyone to defend themselves when they are verbally or physically attacked.
So... I'm moving on past this drama too. People see the truth ~ loud and clear ~ there's really no need to defend any of this any longer. For those that want to stay stuck in the drama - have at it.
People that know me know my character. Helping animals is my passion - not my business, so - I will never allow anyone to stand in the way of me helping to save lives, educate and fight for them - it's in my heart ~ Something that some can't quite grasp.
And for those that have taken my position with rescue to the extreme as though I think they can operate with no funds ~ not so (read my posts). However, some of you may not understand some fundamental success strategies either. Such as ~ find your purpose in life, your passion ~ live it and the funds will follow. At the end of this journey we call life - we can't take anything with us that we've acquired so all I can hope for is to leave my love in everyone's heart. Now if you don't agree with my philosophy, that's your right - a great big hug to you. Go ahead and unfriend me if you like. I will still be here fighting for the dogs and being their voice.
And as another reminder ~ I don't carry hate around in my heart - I forgive so that my soul can be at peace to move forward and make a difference in this world. I don't live to make my presence known ~ but my absence felt so that I do live on.
Again - all of this has only made me a better, stronger person and I and my pages will continue to offer even stronger help for animals in many areas.
Peace, hugs and love to all  Have a Happy Sunday
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